Tools for Implementing S4D Activities, Training Sessions and Events
The approach of S4D provides the possibility of covering multiple subjects and allows for greater diversity in creating and managing an event or training activity, e.g. **S4D training sessions or S4D tournaments**. Below is a list of supplement information and templates associated with planning, monitoring, managing and evaluating activities/events.
* [Poster "The 5 Principles of S4D" (GIZ, 2022,en)]( "[676] Download File")
## **Guidelines "Training Sessions"**
* Guideline "Competences as Part of a Training Session-S4D Training Session Cycle"(GIZ-DSHS, 2021, en)
* [Guideline "Systems to organize Tournaments" (GIZ, 2017, en)]( "[63] Download File")
* [Guideline "Planning a Training Session" (GIZ, 2017, en)]( "[62] Download File")
* [Guideline "Code of Ethics Coach-Player" (GIZ, 2018, en)]( "[309] Download File")
* [Guideline "Code of Conduct S4D Coach" (GIZ, 2018, en)]( "[497] Download File")
**Guidelines** contain helpful recommendation on how to organize and structure certain processes and/or activities in the working area of S4D.
* **Guideline "S4D Competences as Part of a Training Session - The S4D Training Session Cycle**": The guideline gives an overview how your S4D training session should be planned, delivered and assessed so that the development of competences of children and youth is prioritized.
* **Guideline "Planning a Training Session":** The guideline was developed by the Regional Programme in Jordan and assists to plan and structure a S4D training session in advance.
* **Guideline "Systems to organize Tournaments":** The guideline was developed by the Regional Programme, in Jordan, and provides different systems to organize tournaments.
* **Guideline "Code of Conduct S4D Coach"**: An example on how S4D coaches can confirm their role and responsibility that comes along with their work with children and youth.
* **Guideline "Code of Ethics Coach-Player":** An example on how a code of ethics about respect, fair play and tolerance could look like.
## **Templates**
* [Template "Planning and Reviewing Sheet for S4D Training Sessions" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, en)]( "[68] Download File")
* [Template "Lembar Perencanaan & Peninjauan untuk Sesi Latihan S4D " (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, id)]( "[605] Download File")
* [Template "Attendance Sheet for Training Sessions Option 1 - absolute Approach" (GIZ, 2017, en)]( "[65] Download File")
* [Template "Attendance Sheet for Training Sessions Option 2 - moderate Approach" (GIZ, 2017, en)]( "[66] Download File")
* [Template "Attendance Sheet for Training Sessions Option 3 - minimalist Approach" (GIZ, 2017, en)]( "[67] Download File")
**Templates** are blank forms and can be used to simplify your working processes in S4D.
* **Template "Planning and Reviewing Sheet for S4D Training Sessions":** If you want to perform a S4D training session with children and youth, the following sheet can assist you to plan, conduct and review a well-structured course.
* **Template "Attendance Sheet for Training Sessions" (absolute, moderate and minimalist Approach):** Looking at the different contexts and circumstances that frame sporting activities, tracking participants is not always easy. But, there are several different approaches that can be used. Ranging from an absolute approach, which provides an abundance of exact and specific details, to a minimalist approach, which provides more estimate and average details.7
## **Guideline for Reflections in S4D Training Sessions**
* [Guideline "Reflection in S4D Training Sessions" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021 en)]( "[425] Download File")
* [Guideline "Guía de reflexión para las sesiones de entrenamiento de DpD" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021 en)]( "[602] Download File")
* [Guideline "Guide de réflexion pour des sessions d’entraînement de SpD" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021 fr)]( "[523] Download File")
* [Guideline "Pedoman Refleksi untuk Sesi Pelatihan S4D" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, id)]( "[562] Download File")
* [Guideline "دليل التأمل لجلسات التدريب S4D " (GIZ-DSHS, 2022, ar)]( "[652] Download File")
This guideline helps you to understand the importance of reflection for competence and life skill development as well as for recollecting of what was learned during the session.
## **Poster**
* [Poster Development of a Player, Jordan (GIZ, 2017, ar)]( "[678] Download File")
* [Poster Development of a Player, Jordan (GIZ, 2017, en)]( "[677] Download File")
**Posters** are learning materials, you may use as overiews for your S4D activities and training sessions.
* **The Poster "The 5 Principles of S4D" ....**
* **The Poster "Development of a Player" -.....**