Tools for Designing S4D Workshops
The sport-pedagogical **qualification of coaches and instructors** is essential in the field of S4D. Below you will find Guidelines, Templates, and M&E Tools which can support you in planning and implementing a well-executed, qualitative and structured **workshop** as well as **follow-up activities** to ensure quality education in S4D.
## **Templates for Workshops**
* [Template "Agenda for Workshops" (GIZ, 2017, en)](
* [Template "Workshop Reporting short Version" (GIZ-DSHS, 2016, en)]( "[51] Download File")
* [Template "Workshop Reporting long Version" (GIZ-DSHS, 2016, en)]( "[52] Download File")
* [Template "Pre Course Information Sheet" (GIZ, 2016, en)]( "[47] Download File")
* [Template "Attendance Sheet Workshop" (GIZ, 2017, en)]( "[49] Download File")
* [Template "Certificate of Particpation" (GIZ, 2017, en)]( "[50] Download File")
* [Template "Overview Workshops and other Activities" (GIZ-DSHS, 2017, en)]( "[56] Download File")
**Templates** are blank forms and can be used to simplify your working processes in S4D.
**Template "Agenda for Workshops"** A detailed and informative agenda is not only helpful for organisers and instructors, but also for participants it can be used as a guideline.
**Template "Workshop Reporting short/long Version":** The reporting guidelines (long and short versions) provide structure for the documentation a workshop. Detailed documentation is necessary for knowledge management and the positive development of contents and organization of workshops in the future.
**Template "Pre Course Information Sheet":** If distributed to participating persons in advance, the pre-course information sheet gives valuable information such as educational backgrounds and/or level of knowledge, which helps shape the design and organization of a workshop.
**Template "Attendance Sheet Workshop":** When planning a workshop, it is important to consider M&E from the beginning. Attendance sheets should be used to monitor and track participation.
**Template "Certificate of Particpation":** After having completed a workshop successfully, the participants should get a certificate including contents of the workshop.
**Template "Overview Workshops and other Activities":** If you are offering a lot of workshops (or other activities and events) within a year, this monitoring tool will assist you to keeping an overview of your workshops.
## **M&E Tools for Workshops**
* [M&E Tool/Template "Pre Questionnaire for Coach Workshops" (GIZ-DSHS, 2020, en)]( "[58] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Post Questionnaire for Coach Workshops" (GIZ-DSHS, 2020, en)]( "[57] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Pre Questionnaire for PE Teacher Workshops" (GIZ-DSHS, 2020, en)]( "[357] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Post Questionnaire for PE Teacher Workshops" (GIZ-DSHS, 2020, en)]( "[358] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Pre Questionnaire for Instructor Workshops" (GIZ-DSHS, 2020, en)]( "[359] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Post Questionnaire for Instructor Workshops" (GIZ-DSHS, 2020, en)]( "[361] Download File")
**M&E Tools** allow to measure and understand outputs and outcomes of certain S4D processes and/or activities in your working context.
* **M&E Tool "Pre/Post Questionnaire for Workshops":** Focusing on the knowledge gained in the workshop and/or attitude changes, and the feasibility of the workshop, pre- and post-questionnaires should be handed to workshop participants before and after the workshop.
* **M&E Tool "Extended Post Questionnaire for Coach/Instructor Workshops":** If resources or preparation have not allowed assessing participants before the workshop, using an extended post-questionnaire, like this one, will help to gain first insights as well.
## **Guidelines "Ensuring Quality Education in S4D"**
* [Guideline "Sigurimi i Arsimit Cilësor në S4D" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, alb)]( "[500] Download File")
* [Guideline "ضمان جودة التعليم في "الرياضة من أجل التنمية" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, ar)]( "[501] Download File")
* [Guideline "Osiguravanje kvalitetnog obrazovanja u S4D" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, bcms)]( "[502] Download File")
* [Guideline "Ensuring Quality Education in S4D" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, en)]( "[45] Download File")
* [Guideline "Asegurar una educación de calidad en el marco del DpD" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, es)]( "[481] Download File")
* [Guideline "Garantir une formation de qualité au SpD" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, fr)]( "[480] Download File")
* [Guideline "Memastikan Kualitas Pendidikan di S4D" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, id)]( "[503] Download File")
* [Guideline "Обезбедување квалитетно образование во СзР" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, mkd)]( "[504] Download File")
**The Guidelines "Ensuring Quality Education in S4D"** serve as a model to ensure a high-quality education and sustainable capacity development (CD) process on the individual level.
The process is divided into three phases: preparation, implementation, and follow-up. Each phase has its own objectives and tasks. By considering this model, including the M&E activities, S4D practitioners and instructors will achieve high-quality training which supports sustainable CD. The guidelines are available in eight different languages.
## **Further Guidelines**
* [Manual/Guideline S4DA "Coaches and Instructors" (GIZ S4DA, 2019, en)]( "[371] Download File")
* [Guideline "Giving Constructive Feedback" (GIZ-DSHS, 2017, en)]( "[54] Download File")
* [Guideline "Options for Receiving Feedback" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, en)]( "[53] Download File")
* [Guideline "How to Perform Follow up Coaching Visits" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, en)]( "[55] Download File")
**Guidelines** contain helpful recommendation on how to organize and structure certain processes and/or activities in the working area of S4D and can be used for conultancy a s well.
* The **Manual/Guideline "Coaches and Instructors"** explores the roles and responsibilities of coaches and instructors, gives orientation for selecting the right candidates for these positions, and finally offers a standard for the implementation of S4D workshops for coaches and instructors, where those candidates learn how to apply S4D in practice.
* **Guideline "Alternative Options for Receiving Feedback":** If you want to receive feedback after a workshop without distributing a questionnaire, have a look on this guideline, it contains a range of alternative options.
* **Guideline "Giving Constructive Feedback":** Constructive feedback is information-specific, issue-focused, and based on your observations. In this guideline you will find rules to respect while giving feedback to persons (e.g. after a workshop).
* **Guideline "How to perform Follow-up Coaching Visits":** The guideline gives an overview on which steps are necessary when conducting follow-up coaching visits.
## **M&E Tools for Follow-up Activities**
* [M&E Tool/Template "Follow-up Coach Questionnaire" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, en)]( "[46] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Follow-up Coach Questionnaire" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, ar)]( "[1] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Follow-up Coach Questionnaire" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, es)]( "[235] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Follow-up Coach Questionnaire" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, pt)]( "[258] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Follow-up Coach Questionnaire" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, tr)]( "[290] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Follow-up Instructor Questionnaire" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, en)]( "[3] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Follow-up Instructor Questionnaire" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, ar)]( "[2] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Follow-up Instructor Questionnaire" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, es)]( "[236] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Follow-up Instructor Questionnaire" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, pt)]( "[259] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Follow-up Instructor Questionnaire" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, tr)]( "[286] Download File")
* [M&E Tool/Template "Follow-up Training Observation and Interview" (GIZ-DSHS, 2018, en)]( "[61] Download File")
**M&E Tools** allow to measure and understand outputs and outcomes of certain S4D processes and/or activities in your working context.
* **M&E Tool "Follow-up Coach Questionnaire":** Looking on how workshop participants implement what they have been learning, follow-up assessments are necessary a few weeks or even months after the workshops. These can be conducted as survey, e.g. via online survey as a quick way. The questionnaire for coaches is available in five different languages.
* **M&E Tool "Follow-up Instructor Questionnaire":** Looking on how workshop participants implement what they have been learning, follow-up assessments are necessary a few weeks or even months after the workshops. These can be conducted as survey, e.g. via online survey as a quick way. The questionnaire for instructors is available in five different languages.
* **M&E Tool "Follow-up Training Observation and Interview"** Looking on how workshop participants implement what they have been learning, follow-up assessments are necessary a few weeks or even months after the workshops. These can be conducted in an extensive way as field-observation and interview.