Self-Paced Learning - atingi

Embrace the flexibility of self-paced learning designed to fit your schedule and meet your unique learning objectives. Through the atingi learning platform we are offering a variety of modules, from foundational overviews of S4D principles explorations of specific themes and practices. Each course is crafted to provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to make a tangible impact through sport. Start your learning journey today and empower yourself to drive change at your own speed.
## **[Introduction to S4D](**

Sport is a powerful tool to prepare and empower youth for the future. Teamwork, fair play, and peaceful conflict resolution become part of an individual’s personality when one not only hears about it in a classroom but experiences it on the field of play. Using sport as a tool to promote positive social change and convey life skills including communication, teamwork, and leadership is referred to as the Sport for Development (S4D) approach. This course is all about this approach.
**What will you learn?**
This course introduces the basic concepts of sport for development by differentiating between sport development and S4D, listing the skills of an S4D facilitator, showing you how to structure a training session following the S4D approach, and describing the impact that S4D can have on life skills like teamwork, leadership, and communication.
**[Click here to sign up (atingi)](**
## **[Introduction au S4D](**

**Sommaire** \
Le sport est un outil puissant pour préparer et responsabiliser les jeunes pour l'avenir. Le travail d'équipe, le fair-play et la résolution pacifique des conflits font partie de la personnalité d'un individu lorsqu'il n'en entend pas seulement parler dans une salle de classe mais qu'il en fait l'expérience sur le terrain de jeu. L'utilisation du sport comme outil pour promouvoir un changement social positif et transmettre des compétences de vie, notamment la communication, le travail d'équipe et le leadership, est appelée l'approche du Sport pour le Développement (S4D). Ce cours est consacré à cette approche.
**Que vas-tu apprendre?** \
Ce cours présente les concepts de base du Sport pour le Développement en faisant la différence entre le développement du sport et le S4D, en énumérant les compétences d'un animateur S4D, en montrant comment structurer une session de formation en suivant l'approche S4D et en décrivant l'impact que le S4D peut avoir sur les compétences de vie telles que le travail d'équipe, le leadership et la communication.
**[Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire (atingi)](**
## **[Sport for Social Cohesion](**
In this self-paced course, you will learn what Sport for Social Cohesion is. Sport and physical education can promote and strengthen social cohesion by providing a playground for physical activities with people from various social and cultural backgrounds. In this context, sport can also make a valuable contribution to reconciliation and intercultural learning. Using sport as a tool for social cohesion means to take active steps towards mutual understanding and experience-based learning.
**What will you learn?**
- You will learn how sports can promote positive change.
- You will explore how S4D can contribute to the SDGs.
- You will grasp the concept of social cohesion.
**[Click here to sign up (atingi)](**
## **[Safeguarding in Sport and Sport for Development](**

\*\*Summary \*\*\
Every individual should be able to participate in sport and Sport for Development (S4D) activities in a safe, inclusive, enjoyable, and harm-free environment. Why? Because this is essential to realising the full potential of sport for the empowerment of all participants. The term safeguarding is used to embrace all measures that must be taken into consideration to create this environment.
**What will you learn?**\
This course introduces the basic concepts of safeguarding in sport and sport for development activities by defining the term safeguarding, identifying and distinguishing between the different types of harm, describing a facilitator’s responsibility in keeping participants safe, explaining how to manage safeguarding concerns, showing how to design a safe and inclusive environment for your sessions, and highlighting what roles and responsibilities organisations have in safeguarding.
**[Click here to sign up (atingi)](**
## **[Mental Health and Wellbeing](**

##### **What will you learn?**
- how to manage your feelings when you feel stress, anxious and depressed
- how to deal with bullying
- how to build communication skills
- how to build confidence
- how to build resiliency to live a healthy life
- How much time do you need to invest?
- Each module contains 6 lessons of 5 to 10 minutes each. This means, it will take you about 60 minutes to complete the training.
##### **How much time do you need to invest?**
The course contains 6 lessons of 5 to 10 minutes each. This means, it will take you about 60 minutes to complete the training.
##### **Topics overview**
Stress, Anxiety and Depression, Mindfulness / Meditation, Dealing with bullying, Strenthening Communication Skills, Building Self-Esteem, Well-Being Calendar
**[Click here to sign up (atingi)](**
## **More Courses (Entrepreneurship):**
Next you will find even more self learning courses on atingi that might be of interest for you:
[How To Write and Use a Business Plan](
[General Project Planning](
[Introduction to Financial Planning]([How To Write and Use a Business Plan](
[Conflict Management and Resolution](
[How to: Time and Resource Planning](
[Successful Pitching for Entrepreneurs](
[Building a resilient business](
[Human Centered Design Crash Course](
[Women Going Digital](
[Creating a Digital Presence for your Business](
[Computing Skills for Business](
[Digital and Social Media Marketing](
## **About atingi**
atingi is a free learning platform developed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in partnership with various organizations. Dedicated to providing high-quality education to learners worldwide, particularly in underserved regions, atingi offers a wide range of courses across diverse subjects to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the 21st century.
atingi is driving change and positive impact through inclusive, accessible, and relevant digital learning, which is offered as mostly self-paced online courses through our Moodle-based learning management system, making it safe and secure for all learners to access education.
Digital learning with atingi allows young people to unlock their full potential, acquire new skills, and significantly improve their chances in the local labour market.
atingi collaborates with the Sport For Development (S4D) project to provide trainings about the S4D principles in general and deep-dive into specific topics such as mental health and well-being – all to drive change and make an impact through sport.
For more information about digital learning with atingi, visit our website [](
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