M&E as part of the Project Cycle
Our work at GIZ is systematically geared towards results. Our aim is to contribute towards **long-term positive change** in cooperation with our partners. M&E is therefore firmly mainstreamed in GIZ’s work. It is actively applied during the entire project cycle. M&E allows us to manage commissions effectively, develop a clear picture of the status of our projects, utilize promising approaches, and better grasp the lessons learned. Overall, it is an essential process to **secure results and sustainably foster development** [(see M&E GIZ)](https://www.giz.de/en/aboutgiz/monitoring_and_evaluation.html).
In this context, Monitoring is the systematic and routine collection of information. It allows the documentation of a project regarding its results, process and experiences. Through monitoring you can check the development (either positive or negative) of your project and ensure management of the project is effective. Also, monitoring data can be used for evaluation.
Evaluation is assessing, as systematically and objectively as possible, a project or programme after a certain time (e.g. mid-term, final or impact evaluation). Evaluations should help to draw conclusions about five main aspects of the intervention: its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impacts and the sustainabilty (Reference: sportanddev.org, see more detailed information [here](https://www.sportanddev.org/en/toolkit/monitoring-and-evaluation/what-monitoring-and-evaluation-me)).
M&E should be an essential part of the cycle of a S4D programme/project and part of all activities on the ground. Within the framework of our S4D projects, M&E is always part of our work. In the [Tools Section](https://www.sport-for-development.com/tools) you will find many M&E templates we already used in our practice. You can modify them according to your project's context and needs.