S4D Teaching and Learning Materials

Within the S4D community, **numerous Teaching and Learning Materials** (manuals, toolkits, guide-lines, curricula etc.) have been created to address on several types of sports and games and with different development topics. The Teaching and Learning Materials developed by GIZ are **addressed to coaches** (i.e. coachs, teachers, social workers) and instructors in the areas of formal and informal education. They introduce and explain various S4D topics as well as **methodological and didactical core aspects**, such as the structure of a training session/of Physical Education (PE) classes, the function of coaches/teachers as role models, as well as the development phases of children and youth. Additionally, the materials outlines **practical games and drills**, as well as provides helpful recommendations to promote S4D competences. You will find the Teaching and Learning Materials [here](https://www.sport-for-development.com/tools?id=34#cat34).