S4D Competences - Life Skills
Sport is more than physical exercise; sport is about the personal and social development of young people. Sport activities, offered in a pedagogically valuable way, impart and strengthen different competences **children and youth** need in their daily lives. A necessary precondition for children and youth to develop competences are well-designed and well-conducted Sport for Development (S4D) activities delivered through **coaches**. Therefore, coaches must be trained by qualified **instructors** to develop the specific competences needed to deliver S4D activities.
To comprise the entire range of competences **children and youth** can gain in the field of S4D or **coaches** and **instructors** should have when working in the field of S4D, we developed clusters of S4D competences on different levels. The S4D competence frameworks include self, social, methodological/strategic and professional competences related to sport and related to S4D. Most of the competences are derived from our [Teaching and Learning Material](https://www.sport-for-development.com/tools?id=34#cat34).
| Regarding to the topic several terms (life skills, competences/competencies, abilities) are used in different contexts. We decided to work with the term “competences” having its origin in pedagogy and psychology: “Competences are pedagogic skills that can be learned, cognitively anchored and therefore are knowledge-based skills and abilities that aim to accomplish successfully tasks and requirements in everyday and professional situations.” (Stangl, 2017) |
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In the following we will present the competences on the different levels. Additionally you’ll get an idea, **how to put theory into practice**; what means to make competences for children and youth part of a training session.