SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

> #### **Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all**
*“Sport can promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth by aligning production and employment with labour standards, in particular being free from child or forced labour and discriminations of all forms. It can create job opportunities for all and develop employability enhancing skills which are transferrable into the workplace.” (UNOSDP)*
The potential contribution of sport toward ‘decent work and economic growth’:
* Promoting employment and vocational competences
* Connecting young people to vocational education settings
* Supporting growing labour markets in the sports industry
Potential contributions to SDG8 can be put into practice with the following S4D Activities:
**SDG 8**
* [S4D Activity SDG 8 "Dodgeball" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, en)]( "[550] Download File")
* [S4D Activity SDG 8 "Running and Dribbling around the World" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, en)]( "[551] Download File")
* [S4D Activity SDG 8 "Supermarket" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, en)]( "[552] Download File")
* [S4D Activity SDG 8 "Voyage on the Caribbean Sea" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, en)]( "[553] Download File")