SDG 13: Climate Action

> **Take urgent actions to combat climate change and its impacts**
*"Sport can contribute to combating climate change, for instance through sport-based projects aimed at supporting the relief of communities and reconstruction of facilities in natural disaster recovery. It can also raise awareness on climate change by transmitting messages on its impacts and encourage action in this context." (UNOSDP)*
The potential contribution of sport toward 'climate action':
* offering opportunities for awareness raising and information sharing, including sustainable development and naturefriendly lifestyles
* being a platform to promote the responsible use of natural resources
* encouraging sustainable tourism and lifestyles as well as sustainable tourism products and services for instance in host cities of sport events
Potential contributions to SDG13 can be put into practice with the following S4D Activities:
**SDG 13**
* [S4D Activity SDG 13 "Magic Forest" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, en)]( "[558] Download File")
* [S4D Activity SDG 13 "Our Planet" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, en)]( "[559] Download File")
* [S4D Activity SDG 13 "Polar Bear Breakfast" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, en)]( "[560] Download File")
* [S4D Activity SDG 13 "Waste Separation" (GIZ-DSHS, 2021, en)]( "[561] Download File")